Beqa Lagoon Resort
In the heart of the South Pacific, beneath southern skies, lies the island paradise of Fiji. If you travel to dive, eat fine food, bask in the sun, or simply to relax in a tropical paradise, Beqa Lagoon Resort, on the unspoiled island of Beqa, is what you're looking for. This secluded island has been blessed by nature with the perfect conditions for scuba diving. It is surrounded by one of the world's largest barrier reefs, providing hundreds of unique dives within minutes. Enjoy year-round warm water, and a variety of coral, fish, and sponges that you won't find anywhere else. From the moment the barefoot staff of Beqa Lagoon Resort, welcomes you on-shore with a "Bula Merika Song," a flower, and a hearty handshake, you'll know this place is different. Date TBA Check back often for our next trip to this beautiful location! Includes: